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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

If you're having trouble with the poll...

Try voting from this link:


I apologize for any kinks and quirks this contest may have. This is my first time running any sort of contest like this, as well as my first time using either of the polling sites (polldaddy.com and vizu.com). Please bear with me!

The first round I used polldaddy.com, and it was fine for that round as each group would only have one winner. This round, I switched to vizu.com as there would be three winners, so I wanted people to be able to vote for three of the children.

With vizu, as you've probably already noticed, it does not show a total number of votes for each child, only a percentage. That goes for me too... even though I created the poll, I can only see the percentage and a total number of votes for the ENTIRE poll (not for each child).

So, when the poll closes tomorrow at 9pm, I will be taking the top three winners based on their percentages.

Right now, as of 8:47pm here are the stats I have: (these stats change each time there is a new vote, so the stats may be different 3 minutes from now, ok?)

Total voters: 296

Madison: 40.9%
Eagan: 38.5%
Kamryn: 38.2%
Cade: 35.1%
Jalyn: 31.1%
Cadence: 30.4%

Keep on putting those votes in... the voting is on until 9pm tomorrow evening (Wednesday)

Good luck, kids!

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