
Welcome to the Nicole Barczak Photography blog.... the place to get all the latest happenings with Nicole Barczak Photography. Don't forget to head over to the website: Nicole Barczak Photography as well!

Current Availability:

Please contact Nicole for the most up to date availability: nicole@nbarczak.com

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bad weekend and trying to catch back up

I know a few of you are waiting for your galleries and I'm *SO* sorry its taking this long. I had hoped to finish them over the weekend, however... I ended up sick in bed with a horrible migraine. It was so bad I could barely stand without pain shooting to my head and I had to cancel my sessions.

Anyhow, I slept about 85% of the weekend (it was the only thing tolerable!) and today was major catch up day with phone calls and emails and ordering prints and packaging prints. Tomorrow will be all about proofing. I hope to have your galleries up before the end of this week at the latest.

Thank you for being patient and understanding!


Jen said...

Hey Nicole!

We spent our weekends the same way :-(

I hope you feel better!

Kamra Rae Photography said...

Yup me too! I have had some horrible headaches on and off for almost a week now! I am not sure if it is because I haven't had as much caffeine lately or if it has something to do with my pregnancy. Anyhow all that to say I sympathize with ya. By the way still lovin your photography! So insipiring!


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