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Monday, November 5, 2007

This is how behind I am...

"Happy Halloween!"

Yes, I'm just getting around to proofing Halloween pictures. EEEK!

Porter was a lion (as you can see). Well, actually he was supposed to be Goliath from JoJo's Circus (but I really didn't like the actual Goliath costume), and my niece went as JoJo. However, at the last minute I realized I never got red face paint to do the red nose that Goliath has, so we made do with my eyeliner pencil.

Now, I do recall telling Porter in the midst of taking these pictures "If my clients kids were like you, I would quit my job!" I'm telling you... this kid makes it HARD to take pictures. He wants nothing to do with my silly tricks. Not to mention the kid doesn't sit still for a second of his life. So, 5 minutes with the camera was all I could handle with him.


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