
Welcome to the Nicole Barczak Photography blog.... the place to get all the latest happenings with Nicole Barczak Photography. Don't forget to head over to the website: Nicole Barczak Photography as well!

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lane and Kasyn

I know... my blog titles are getting pretty boring. Not to mention my posts are lacking for words. Life just doesn't seem to slow down and I never feel caught up... never feel like I have a spare second in the day.

Lane was a serious little guy for most of his session... imagine my surprise when his mom told me he's typically a little stinker and a little wild man. (hmm... reminds me a lot of my oldest son... who is about Lane's age!). Lane was obviously not that amused by my failing attempts to make him laugh...

But.... I don't give up. Nearly two hours later I FINALLY got him to crack a smile. And we laughed and laughed and laughed. The last 10 minutes of his session held the greatest giggles and smiles!

And of course we can't forget little princess Kasyn. She was mesmorized by my bold striped shirt... must remember not to wear that again LOL!

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