
Welcome to the Nicole Barczak Photography blog.... the place to get all the latest happenings with Nicole Barczak Photography. Don't forget to head over to the website: Nicole Barczak Photography as well!

Current Availability:

Please contact Nicole for the most up to date availability: nicole@nbarczak.com

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Here's one for you, Kari

I'm sorry that its just one... but its been a long day and before I call it a night I wanted to get SOMETHING up here for you! Your kiddos are gorgeous and so so sweet.


Can I take this kid home? │ Ann Arbor Michigan Child Photographer

Oh my word, little Mr. Owen was such a HAM during his session. I couldn't believe how willing and excited he seemed to have his pictures taken. I also couldn't believe he was only 2 (ok, well, he'll be three soon, but still!) The ages 1-3 are such tricky ages to photograph. And Owen sure had me floored at how cooperative he was!

When we met up, he had a flower to show me... (and who can resist flowers from a sweet two year old?!)

We saw some police cars (three, to be exact!) and found lots of neat things around the city. I think Owen's favorite part were these seeds from a tree... however, MY favorite part was that BLUE WALL! Love it!


He also loved playing with the elevator buttons. Silly boy!

And just a fun one... I don't know, Owen, I know you said your eyes were ORANGE... but I'm not so sure.

Whew! I could share more all day! I had a great time with you guys this morning... Owen is such a fun little guy. Thanks!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

And the boys...

Ethan and Anthony were such goofs. They were a lot of fun. I don't work with boys this age very often (they are 9 and 12... or is it 13?). So fun!

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Surprise, Jean! │ Chelsea Michigan Child Photographer

I'm sure you thought I didn't capture a thing of your darling little girl, but I have news for you.... check this out!

Let me give you all a little history. I met with Jean and her daughter, Miss Amelia last Monday and it was windy. SO windy. I was afraid this little cutie was going to get blown away! I reassured Jean that I'd never had to do a reshoot (and as I said that, I jinxed myself LOL!). Well, even after trying to get some shots in this tucked away alley, it was just too cold. Amelia was freezing and just wanted her mommy and her coat. We threw up the white flag and decided to just reschedule. Bummer. I actually didn't even look at the images until today... nearly a week later. I almost just scrapped them, thinking "Ehh, we'll just reschedule and start from scratch." Well, I'm glad I didn't toss these... check out what I caught.

Gorgeous big, brown eyes

Isn't this purple wall PERFECT? I love these locations I've been finding (and, note to self and parents... eeek... don't forget to toss out the gum before your session! haha! I had to do a little "work" on this one...)

And a warm snuggle with mommy..

Well, thats it. From the quickest ever 15 minute session! :) I can't wait to meet up with you guys again.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Sorry I've been MIA

I'm not sure if I really even have any readers here, LOL, but for those of you who do read, I'm sorry its been so long since I've posted.

I have been wanting to share these images from a "mock session" last weekend. I drove to Chicago area to visit Misty Woodward and get some one-on-one help from her, and on Sunday I got to do a lot of shooting with her kids. We had a great time- her kids are wonderful, and so beautiful also.

Tonight I'll share Miss Hannah... we did a little bit of a "lifestyle" session with her... images in her room reading, playing with her dolls, and putting on makeup.
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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sweetest Little Guys │ Dexter Michigan Newborn & Child Photographer

Berkebile_41407_024 These two little guys were so great... of course little Carson barely made a peep, and Avery was absolutely charming, and loved to show me all of his Thomas trains.

Look at his adorable head of hair!!


A big smackeroo from brother...

And, of course, we couldn't forget the infamous trains!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Client Testimonials

I wanted to point out a section on my website that is probably very overlooked, and I'd like to "bulk up". Its called 'In Their Own Words'.

Anyway, if you are a past or current client and you would like to include your "testimony" on my site, please shoot an email to me at nicole@nbarczak.com

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Want a Virtual Session? │ Rochester Hills Child Photographer

My camera is out of commission right now... I've been having some issues with focus and exposure, so Canon is servicing it. So, during this lull without my camera, I'll share those pictures I promised last week!

Here's a little peek into how my sessions are conducted. I always try to stress how relaxed I try to keep it. These are kids we're talking about, and what do kids like to do? HAVE FUN! So what do we do? We HAVE FUN!

We blow bubbles...
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We play

We race (yes, I race with the kids... I'm sure its a pretty funny sight for parents!)

We laugh... a LOT!

We find fun in the simple things around us...
like a cellar door... and a mudpuddle
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Sometimes there are meltdowns... and thats fine too... we simply embrace the moment.


We get moms and dads to join in and tickle tickle!
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Sometimes we even bust out the bribery..

Which leads to some more great shots...
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Of course, we do attempt to set up shots that I've envisioned... (I love how P is totally giving me the tough look!)

But they don't necessarily always work perfectly... "D" says he's DONE! :)

If you're used to the "traditional" retail chain stores... come prepared for an experience like no other.

Come prepared to have your children captured being themselves... acting silly, laughing, playing, having fun. Bring me your sucker faces, your messy hair, your shy smiles, your blanky toting toddlers, your binky loving babies, your frowning chilly little boys who don't want their pictures taken (right, Karen? And they'll attempt to break into any local business that just may offer heat and shelter to a few photo tortured little boys? HAHA!).

You'll quickly realize that the session is about no one else but the kiddos... its not about the props or the backgrounds or the perfect outfits or the perfect smiles. Its about capturing those moments that slip away all too quickly. Those moments of kids being kids... because before we know it, they'll be all grown up and those memories in our mind will slowly fade away.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

3 boys = lots of fun! │ Rochester Hills Child Photographer

Wow. These three guys were so full of energy it almost made my head spin. After an hour and a half drive cooped up in the car, I sure needed the stretch I got from chasing these dudes. Our session today was pretty energetic... it consisted of freezing hands, blowing bubbles, head counts to make sure no one was lost, climbing stairs, running on cellar doors, a little bribery, sharing suckers, awesome birthday cakes, a great lunch (thank you!!). I will have more images to share later, as this session produced some great interaction shots.

But, for now, check out "D", "P" and "E" (oh gosh Karen, I keep getting E and P mixed up!! LOL)



Monday, April 2, 2007

Little Miss "K"

Oh wow... did I just love this little girl. She was SO into having her pictures taken, I couldn't believe that *I* wasn't the one paying HER to let me take her pictures HAHA! I've decided 4 is my favorite age... I just love 4 year olds! (And, I hope I can still say that tomorrow... I'm photographing 4 year old triplet boys... I'm so excited! Its going to be a blast!)

While trekking around downtown Jackson we found a couple new walls that I am just in love with. I can't bring myself to converting these to black and white. I've started to notice all my downtown sessions have been a majority of color images, which is different for me. I usually lean towards black and white. But with all the great colors and textures that an urban setting has to offer... how can you resist?


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And one with mom... aren't they both just gorgeous?

Sunday, April 1, 2007

J & J │ Ann Arbor Michigan Child Photographer

The forecast for today was storms and strong winds. Neither of which we encountered until late afternoon. Which was great for my sessions... the weather turned out beautiful! (its supposed to snow later this week... so lets hope that THAT forecast is wrong too LOL!)

My first session today was with two little "J's". They are both so adorable, and have the sweetest smiles. While 3 and 1 are probably two of the hardest ages to photograph, I'm always up for a challenge. Mom and dad were awesome to work with... very cooperative and great at interacting with the boys to get them laughing and smiling. I always love that.

For this session I had scouted out downtown Ann Arbor, in which I found quite a few great locations. We didn't get to all of them, as the sun wasn't working to our advantage, but we did find some pretty neat places... check out this great mural! (I just noticed they both have similar poses in these pictures... too funny!)

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Big brother and I found some ALLIGATORS in a window... eeeek!

While little brother found some fun blowing raspberries on the window of a door..

These two are just too too cute.. I can't get enough of their sweet little grins.

Thanks for sharing your morning with me!

(Ok, just one more for you Emily! I love this one.... LOVE it)


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